Yes Lease Take Possession of their Fantastic New Offices.

Yes Lease have moved into their fantastic new offices at Phoenix Works (see images below). This incredibly fast growing car and commercial vehicle leasing and contract hire company now have room to breathe once again after outgrowing the area they initially occupied...

The Glost House Cafe Bar is NOW OPEN !!!!

The Glost House Coffee Bar has finally emerged from months of the rubble, dirt and debris of the massive renovation of their area to demonstrate what vision and purpose can achieve. It is a magnificent example of what can be done with old property. The colours and...

The Glost House Cafe Bar is now finally Waterproof

These pics are of the first floor and the felted roof with the new trusses, purlings and rafters in place on the inside and the lathes on the outside. The Glost House Cafe Bar is going to be on the ground floor. Can´t wait for my first coffee there or a glass of wine...